Understanding Different Types of Roof Framing Systems

What are Roofing Joists?

Roof framing is the process of building a roof on top of an existing structure. It can be done with different types of construction, like balloon framing or scissor trusses. The type you choose will depend on your needs and budget for the project. Balloon framing is cheaper than scissor trussing because it uses less material, but it doesn’t offer as much support in windy weather conditions. Scissor trusses are more expensive to build due to their use of more material, but they provide better support against high winds and heavy snow loads that may cause problems for other types of roofs. We’ll discuss these two types of roofing joists and how they differ from each other so that you can make a choice that is right for your project.

When you think about roof framing , the first thing that probably comes to mind is a house with two big trusses at either end and some rafters in between. But what if we told you there were other types of roofs besides those? You may be surprised by how many different ways architects can design a roof, as well as the benefits and drawbacks associated with each one. There are several common types of single-ply roofs used today; they all have their own advantages and disadvantages but most construction companies will use them depending on budget, weather conditions, building material availability, etc…

Roofing Joists

BALLOON FRAMING: Balloon framing was the most common type of roof construction used in homes built before World War II, but it has since fallen out of favor to cheaper forms like truss systems . However, balloon framing can still be seen in some regions and there are many contractors who will use this method when prices don’t matter as much (like on small home projects). This technique uses less material than scissor or platform trusses , which means you’ll save money up front if you’re working with a strict budget. It also doesn’t require any special tools; all you need is basic carpentry knowledge and skills in order to build one from scratch. However, this type of roof is not as strong or durable as the others, which means it won’t last nearly as long. If you’re working on a budget and don’t plan to stay in your home for more than ten years, this may be the best option for you.

SCISSOR TRUSSES: Scissor trusses are another common single-ply construction method used today; they offer several benefits over balloon framing but also come with their own drawbacks . The biggest benefit of using scissor trusses instead is that these roofs require less material than other types (like platform designs ), so builders can save money by buying fewer materials. However, there are some disadvantages like wind resistance due to an uneven load distribution – one side of the roof is heavier than the other. Scissor trusses also require special tools to construct, so it’s best if you know what you’re doing before trying this method on your own at home.

PLATFORM FRAMING: Platform framing roofs are commonly found in areas where wood materials are plentiful and inexpensive , like rural regions of Canada or parts of Europe . This type uses several horizontal beams that rest atop walls rather than rafters attached to a sloping surface; they can be made from logs or lumber depending on availability. The advantage with platform designs is that builders don’t have to worry about using heavy-duty construction methods – these roofs tend not to hold up well against snow loads due to their low weight capacity.